Friday, January 29th, 2010 AT 5:36 PM
Recently replaced Head Gaskets, exhasut manifold gaskets, intake gaskets because of broken bolts in manifold. Ran truck for about 3 to 4 weeks then the fuel pump died because I didn't seal the intake manifold correctly. Pulled the bed replaced fuel pump. Attempted to start engine stumbles and dies after a few moments. At first thought it was air in the fuel lines, tried again a day later, same thing got to run a little longer but still very poorly, MIL read p0122 for TPS, replaced tps. Still haveing same problem. Connected Snap-On Scan Tool attempted to read Codes & Data but couldn't get it to communicate with module, but could run other system tests such as INJ. Check, and solenoid checks. Got another code under secondary codes for tps again, thinkin of possible wiring problems, hopping not ECM problems.