Good evening. After reading your problem it reminded me of a time this happened to me. This was a 97 caravan and the rear brakes were also locked up. They were rear drum brakes. Cable seemed loose and fine, what the heck, I used a large drum puller I had for about 20 years and a screw driver through the backing plate and after about 30 minutes everything was off. Drums, shoes, springs, washers, dust and things I never knew could live in there. But when these cables are not used for a while and then pull the shoes and get stuck, there is some kind of friction that won't allow those shoes to release. It had two stuck rear and one stuck front cable and 3 cables, a set of shoes, and all new brake hardware were installed in about 2 hours. If you have drum brakes maybe yhis is the problem, Usually it is a front cable when both rears are stuck. But I always do them all or not at all. The brake should be used everytime you park. Safe, and keeps the cables and whole system working properly. Rear drums or rotors, it's the same thing. When a cable rusts, it is usually spreading. Hope I helped you. This was in a humid environment and happened in 1999. It doesn't take long for the parking brake to obey the laws of inertia and tend to stay at rest, locking both rear drums or rotors. OK
Sunday, February 21st, 2021 AT 1:12 PM