Here is some info I found. Take a look:
Description: AIS (Automatic Idle Speed) motor circuit shorted or target idle speed not reached
Power loss light: Off
Limp-in mode: None
Possible Causes
Vaccum leak - Check all vaccum lines for cracks or breaks.
Bad connection or wiring - Check the wiring and connections between the logic module and the motor. Clean and regrease any corroded connectors with dielectric grease and repair any shorts.
Shorted or frozen AIS motor - The AIS motor is located near the TPS. For 1987 or earlier Turbo I engines, remove the bolt and slide the motor out (you may have to wiggle and twist it). Remove the clamp and carefully pull out the motor. Be sure and observe how it goes together, especially the orienation of the rotatiing valve inside. Hook the motor to a 12V supply to see if it runs. If it doesn't, replace the AIS. Clean all the gears and shafts throughly and reassemble the gear and valve assembly. Spray all the gears and parts with TriFlo or a similar silicone spray lubricant (don't use WD40 because it evaporates) and insert the motor. If the engine seems to race wildly after assembly (give it some time to get control), you probably installed the internal, rotating valve backwards.
My guess for this is either you have a vacuum leak or there is a wiring problem.
As far as 36, it covers non turbo vehicles too. Here is what I found.
Description: Air switching solenoid circuit is open or shorted
Power loss light: Off
Limp-in mode: None
Possible Causes
Bad connection or wiring - Check the wiring and connections between the logic module and the solenoid. Clean and regrease any corroded connectors with dielectric grease and repair any shorts.
Bad solenoid - The solenoid is located in the right, front fender next to one to three other solenoids.
Let me know if this helps. NOTE: There is no code 5. However, 55 indicates the computer is done.
Friday, August 6th, 2010 AT 11:26 PM