Thank-you, if you have no lock-up converter(trans) normal(37). The battery has been disconnected in the last few engine starts code 12(you know), and the 54 is for the dist. Pick-up plate, its wiring, or the timing belt is not correct(very possible). The code 23 is either intake temp. Or at that time it could have meant that it had none. I never saw an intake air temp sensor on a 3. Ol out here. Just 2.2L TBI. The vehicle speed sensor will shut an 89 3. Ol off at high speeds, with no codes. A distributor optical signal input(code 54) will do many shutoffs and hard or no starts. And if its fuel, it is sometimes hard to tell, electrical or fuel. I would see if it has a lock-up converter, if not the code is normal, if you do, unplug it, may go away(stallimg). After that I would have the distributor out, check or replace the pick-up, or rotor(comes loose). I am sure that it is a code 23 you have read, and not 22, or 24 which would wreak havoc with your 3. OL. I hope you do not have any more trouble. And I hope you have understood my response, also. As I just want you to get your van running properly, and online it is not easy. In 89, it was always no code problems. No codes, because of the response speeds in the computers. Now its better. Hope I helped you.
Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 AT 8:56 PM