If you are trying to start the vehicle in -10 degrees F and this is the only time this happens, then that is expected operation.
However, if it does not start at all then clearly that is an issue but if it cranks a few times and then it starts then that is not abnormal. We have options but I don't think you are going to replace parts and make it any better.
What happens is when you try to crank the engine the air is so cold that the fuel does not atomize very well so it will take a bit more cranking to get the air fuel ratio correct for it to start.
What I would suggest is two things. First check the actual pressure when this is happening because it may still be low pressure due to the cold.
Next is use starter fluid in the intake when it is cold and see if the engine starts quicker.
If either of these work you may need to look into a block heater so that when you go to start the engine it is actually much warmer then what the ambient temperature is.
Please run through this and let us know what you find. Thanks
Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 AT 11:53 AM