Codes P0335 and P0725, crank, so start?

  • 2.5L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 120,000 MILES
Codes: P0335 Crankshaft Sensor, P0725 Engine Speed Input Circuit, Power Train System. Long story short... I got Diagnostics report on the vehicle plenty of times and got these codes that were mentioned. I would get these codes even after I put a new alternator, new starter, new battery and new spark plugs. The oil was changed with Royal Purple. The cars A/C would never really get too cold. When I first got the vehicle, it would drive brand new, then after a while when I would accelerate the vehicle would stutter when speeding up. Then it started to have a long crank before it started but would start. I got the oil changed then after a while when it needed another oil change I did it myself. Took it to get it diagnose and got those codes I mentioned previously. So, I bought a new crankshaft position sensor and had a real mechanic put it in and it would start up a little bit faster but no change at all really and the code would still come up as P0335. This made me think that the mechanic never put it in but later I found out he did. So, after I got this done, I got a new battery which didn’t change anything. During this time, I was driving the car with the fuel being on E a lot because I had to get around. The car was getting harder and harder to crank to start as time was going by. One day it wouldn’t start after a long crank so I had to wait some time to start it then it would start back up. I drove it to Baltimore with no gas barely and got it back and it never started up since. Until after I put a new starter in with no fuel and I had someone jump it started right up then I drove it again to Philly with a full tank of gas. It broke down in Philly and had no crank at all when I had someone tried to jump it again, so I put a new alternator in myself, the battery needed to be charged so I had it charged for like a couple hours then put the battery back on and waited until the morning. Once the morning came, I put a little bit of engine oil in, and it started cranking again. I had someone jump it and I was able to drive it all the way back to Jersey. Once I got to Jersey, I parked it back up at my place and turned it off to see if it would start back up, never did. I noticed the engine would shake just a little bit too. After this it’s been sitting for quite a while, there was no oil around the coils or spark plugs when I changed the spark plugs when it’s been sitting. I had two mechanics come through to test spark on the alternator, starter, spark plugs, and battery and everything was good. The first mechanic said it could be the ECM which I suggested. The second mechanic that came through did the same thing but felt that the crankshaft position sensor I had it in was a faulty new crankshaft since it kept coming up so I had bought a new one and he put it in and still just a crank and no start, but the code still comes up. I just went and got the battery looked at and they said it was charged and good. When I first got some diagnosis on it before all of this the codes that popped up came up and the report said reprogram the PCM. I also changed some fuses but I haven’t gotten the wires looked at but they had spark to some of them when checked. I stuck if it’s the fuel pump, the ECM, or a wiring issue. Also, the fuel pump makes noise when the key gets turned to the on switch but doesn’t make the sound every time. Please Help!
Saturday, November 11th, 2023 AT 12:06 PM

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  • 110,055 POSTS

Are you certain there is spark to the plugs? If so, then chances are it isn't getting fuel. When you run them low on fuel, it can cause damage to the pump or allow it to pick up dirt in the tank.

The P0725 is a code related to the communication between the PCM and the TCM. I don't feel it would cause a no-start. Chances are the no start is related to the crankshaft position sensor, a wiring problem to the sensor, or the signal plate that the sensor uses is damaged.

I want you to try something for me. See if the engine will start using starting fluid. If it does and then stalls, we have a fuel-related issue. If there is no change, I need you to recheck for spark.

Here is a link you may find helpful:

If you find there is no spark, watch the tachometer to see if it moves a little when you crank the engine. If you have a live data scan tool, check to see if there is an RPM signal when cranking.

Let me know what you find.


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Saturday, November 11th, 2023 AT 9:15 PM

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