The previous owner started the car regularly then stopped doing that so the car has not been started in about 10 months now.
I bought the car knowing it would not start and have since replaced the battery, starter, eccentric shaft position sensor, spark plugs, spark plug wires. I have also done an oil change as the pervious owner had full-synthetic oil in it and also drained the coolant system to put coolant in it as the previous owner had put water in it and not coolant.
I tried the de-flood process while the spark plugs were out and it would not start after that still. OBD says spark adv. Is 9 which I believe to be low. I pulled the fuel lines to verify the car is receiving fuel and I believe the car is getting air.
The car will turn over but will not fully crank and run, there was a code for a rear O2 sensor and for the ABS system but I do not believe these would cause the crank no start issue. I believe the issue to be low compression or need new ignition coils as all of the other fuses and relays are good and the car does receive power and all the lights will come on when the key is is the ignition.
Thursday, March 20th, 2025 AT 7:05 AM