Coolant problem, I have been having to add coolant every 2-3 days?

  • 2 POSTS
Yes, that is the part number I’ve been coming up with all over the place. I will verify with the dealer before I order one online. I see a lot of those EGR coolers come with the two new gaskets. But some don’t. Now correct me if I’m wrong. There shouldn’t be any coolant in there at all. Just the gases run through at roughly 800 degrees and the coolant runs through the outer jacket of the cooler to get the gases to like 200 degrees before the gases reenter the cylinders. So, I’m thinking the extreme change of temperature would eventually get the metal brittle enough to crack or at a weld because that would be the weakest points to the sides of welds. Anyway, where did you find that picture at? Website that’s see
Selling them? I’m going to order one hopefully this weekend plus the two gaskets and I’m most likely going to get a new cooler pipe on the side that’s leaking just in case it’s damaged in any way. But yes, I will let you know all the details on this to help future people that need help like I did.
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Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 AT 5:52 PM
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Yes, hello al514, just called my dealership and the part#28460-2E900 is the winner. They charge 635.66 before tax. I asked the parts guy what the difference would be if I bought one off eBay that’s made in Korea for 150.00 bucks. He said go for it theirs comes from Korea as well. On Sunday I’ll pull EGR tube off to see if anything comes out. I’m going to think something should come out. Shouldn’t the car be running to circulate the coolant?
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Thursday, February 15th, 2024 AT 11:01 AM
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That's a lot of money, it's just Al btw. The site I saw it on is a super cheap kind of knock off type site, I've purchased some electronic parts from them before (non-automotive related) microchips and such, so I'm not sure about their parts, I was more looking for a part number, it was just aliexpress com. I think it's stuff directly from other countries. You are correct on its operation, the exhaust gases simply run through the center pipe with a cooling jack on the outside, you can see the 2 cooling pipes that have rubber cooling hoses clamped onto it, that's where the coolant circulates threw and around the center pipe cooling the exhaust some. I have the same assumption, that it cracked need one of the welds at that top flange, or just plain failed somewhere, but either way. To be absolutely sure, I would pressure test the coolant system with the bolts for the cooler on both ends taken out. You could buy a cooling pressure kit at Harbor Freight, they sell a cheaper one. But you might find it leaks when you take off the bottom pipe to the manifold. It has to be leaking quite a bit to go through so much coolant. There is a gasket on the top and bottom, you will have to do an online search for those. I don't see any in stock either. You have everything correct though,
This is the pressure test kit harbor freight has, you could use it once and return it I guess, unless you plan on working on your own vehicles from here on out.
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Thursday, February 15th, 2024 AT 11:25 AM
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Hello Al, I’m going to try pull that cooler pipe off on Sunday. Tonight made exactly 2 gallons of loss. I’m probably going to order one on Sunday night or Monday once I get a visual on everything after taking air cleaner housing off and anything else in my way. Everyone I found is in Korea or South Korea but that is where the dealerships get theirs as well. My car was even made there so I guess it’ll be ok. I have to pay customs and duties tax as well. I’m not exactly sure when and where I will do that at, but I’ll call the post office in the morning, they should know at least what I got to do. I narrowed it down to these were way cheaper and free shipping, so I’ll go with one of these. Thanks
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Friday, February 16th, 2024 AT 6:24 PM
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Al, just got off phone with post office. Not sure the lady knew what she talking about but told me if I paid $150.00 for the part, I’d be looking at 2-:300 in customs tax. Doesn’t sound right to me. I’m going to call a different post office on Monday and check but I’m going to try and find one in the states that’s not $650.00. If you got any places by name or website I’d love you to shoot them my way. Have a great day!
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Saturday, February 17th, 2024 AT 7:08 AM
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Customs tax? That doesn't sound right to me, regardless of where you order it online. You might want to try some used parts lots, maybe find a crashed vehicle. I will look around in my area as well for you, I'm in NC, if I can find one, I will let you know
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Sunday, February 18th, 2024 AT 12:26 PM
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Hello Al, it’s been a while since I communicated with you on my car I didn’t fix it yet because I asked the dealer if they would cut me some type of break being they had my car like 4-5 times and didn’t fix it due to they misdiagnosed it and it got hit on their property 2 times already. Well, they wanted to see it. So, inspection due so I went down, and my check engine light finally came on dammit, so I couldn’t get that done. Well, I explained that you and I are pretty sure what and how it’s losing this much coolant. I wanted to be in the garage when they checked it out, but they didn’t let me. Anyway, now the mechanic says it’s a cracked intake manifold. He says my car doesn’t even have an EGR cooler. I demanded to talk with him, over the phone by their choice. That person argued with me about the EGR cooler. So, I asked him where do my heater core hoses attach to? He said the manifold. So, I said bull they go to the cooler. So, I asked where the EGR pipes connect to, he said the manifold. I told him no they connect to the ends of the cooler. He said again my car doesn’t have any cooler. I told him yes it does, but I told him okay, put the new intake on it since that’s under warranty. Where the heck do they find these guys at? I pulled it up on my phone and showed the service lady the EGR cooler picture of one for my model and year of the car. She said the mechanic said it doesn’t have one. I said read my phone I found an imaginary one for my exact car on a Hyundia parts site. She wouldn’t even glance at my phone. It’s going back when they get me a loaner. Then it’ll go back after that when it’s got a new manifold on it and still losing antifreeze.
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Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 AT 7:54 PM
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Wow. You can physically see the EGR cooler piping though, that was in the diagrams we were looking at, correct? It all looks the same as what is on your vehicle. I just want to be sure, it's sad when they bring up doubts like this. And I can't be at the vehicle to help you with this, that makes it even more difficult.
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 AT 10:48 AM
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Yes, those pics and diagrams are spot on identical to my car. It might be he felt insulted because I said the EGR cooler is leaking. I’m not sure how he would of even seen a crack on the intake with everything in place, but yet couldn’t see the EGR cooler right there in the way. But if it would be the intake, that means they took it off and put it back on3 times without checking it. I know it’s the cooler. I think he seen the dried spots of antifreeze/dye on hoses and EGR pipe that goes to my EGR cooler that my car doesn’t have and he just assuming it’s the intake manifold. I’ll keep you filled in but I’m sure they are going to take their time.
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Thursday, March 28th, 2024 AT 2:56 PM
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Maybe they don't know what it is, it's possible their techs are not up to date, I mean you and I found it by going through service info, but really, it's been there so many times, I don't know what the excuse is. I'm sorry it is taking so long to just get your vehicle back on the road running correctly. Let me know what eventually happens.
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Friday, March 29th, 2024 AT 8:03 AM
  • 52 POSTS
Okay, Al, how ya been buddy. Want to drop you my latest scoop on my Hyundai. Not sure if I told you I took it down because they needed to look at it for coolant leak and get inspected. When I took it down I told them there is this guy in the net and he been helping me diagnose the problem. I told them we both agreed that the only possible scenario is the egr cooler. Well they bring my car back that day after inspection and said they need to order a intake manifold for it because it’s cracked and the coolant is leaking in there. Well I demanded to speak with the mechanic. Got him over the phone I told him that you and I diagnosed it and it’s gotta be losing it in the egr cooler most likely coming from a internal crack from going hot cold hot cold all the time that son of a bitch said:get this- your car doesn’t have a egr cooler. I told him the heck it doesn’t. I told him if it doesn’t have one why does my heater core hoses run to it and back again as well as the egr pipes run off the ends of the cooler, he said again with attitude your car don’t have a egr cooler. Told him whatever you say. Put the new intake manifold on it and I’ll be back down again for same problem. Well took it in and I insisted someone better take that egr cooler of and I want it checked for cracks inside. Well went down to pick it up and the lady in service said to me. The mechanic took the egr cooler off and noticed it was leaking inside. By god I’ve been telling them for months about it. But she said they put a new EGR cooler and a new manifold on it. Manifold was warranty covered so that I knew. So I said what is the egr cooler and labor going to set me back? She said don’t worry about their gonna cover it. Wow, how cool is that! Went to my car and popped the hood open looked down behind engine and seen a shiny new one. Looked at front of motor and guess what I didn’t see? I didn’t see a new intake, still my dirty old one. Checked the bill anp it said new manifold and gaskets and new egr cooler. Back in I went and asked why my manifold wasn’t changed and she said yes it was. Showed the picture and next thing you know we had managers and owner there and I was arguing because I do not want my paperwork stating falsified records on my car. I said scratch it off and sign it for all I care. I waited for it, it was in here for that and you didn’t do it. Owner was a ASS about everything. So now they still got my car so they can replace manifold. And they gave me a 100 dollar bll to pay for my 66 dollar inspection. I made out pretty good. Except they still got my car. Thanks for all your help on this. I appreciate everything you helped me with.
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Sunday, April 21st, 2024 AT 6:02 PM
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Wow, that's a lot to go through. Not a dealership I'd want to deal with. It's actually a really stupid argument on their part, they could have had a happy customer with just telling you the truth. Since it probably didn't need an intake anyway, but hopefully now this will finally be the end of all the headaches. Thanks for the update. I was wondering there for a while what the outcome was.
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Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024 AT 9:59 AM
  • 52 POSTS
Al I’m not sure this nightmare is over. When I picked the car up the EGR cooler and intake manifold was new and installed. They informed me the check engine light came on when they drove it. Not sure what code they got but they put on a new EGR valve assembly free of charge. So I picked it up and check engine light was still on so I figured that he. Didn’t erase the code and it’ll go out eventually. Well I picked wife up after I picked car up and it didn’t go out. Put my scanner on it and got 2 codes now. PO401, PO139. I looked them up I think the po401 was insufficient air flow that’s what my scan tool said. The PO139 is a O2 sensor it’s coming up o2 sensor circuit slow response bank 1 sensor 2. It looks like the coolant level went down from high level line to the low level line. Maybe air working out, I’m not sure yet. This morning I was looking around and I seen a lot of liquid spots on ground under tailpipe when running so I’m not sure what’s going on yet till I monitor the level for a week or so. But the error codes I was thinking possibly a screwed up cat converter? It is just a guess on my part because of EGR insufficient flow and sensor 2 bank 1 slow response time. What’s a quick assumption you would have? Almost everything is new. I think it would be the converter or it’s in the wiring or pcm. Just your opinion be great. Thanks
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Saturday, April 27th, 2024 AT 6:24 PM
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Okay, with the P0401 this can be more than just an EGR valve flow issue, I'll post the setting criteria and some possible causing for the code setting. The fact that it set after the repair, and wasn't setting before, tells me it was most likely something caused during their "repair". Such as moving the wiring harness around too much and stressing it, or not getting everything sealed back up completely like it should be. It's possible they didn't get the EGR tube completely sealed, or some other issue along those lines. Service info backs this up with possible "Poor or damaged harness connections" EGR pipe leaking" Intake manifold air leak" etc.
Diagrams 1, 2 are for P0401 and 3, 4 are for P0139, Id say the same thing for the P0139, those codes were not setting before. There should be some water dripping out the tail pipe under certain conditions, that's the Cat converting exhaust gases over to H20, although, with the amount of coolant you were losing, that is Cat contamination, I will dig into these codes some more later this evening. But I'd say once you get this thing fixed, you may want to think about getting rid of it, it's been nothing but headaches for you all the way here.
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Sunday, April 28th, 2024 AT 2:37 PM
  • 52 POSTS
Okay, I appreciate that. The 401 light came on before I took it in for the manifold and I turned it off. So, the other code is new.
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Sunday, April 28th, 2024 AT 2:42 PM
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I checked it out pretty good today. I went over all bolts and vacuum lines and checked all electrical connections. I even checked for vacuum leaks with some starting fluid everything appears good except for one thing I’m not sure exactly if something is not right. I’ll attach a picture. There looks like a vacuum or ventilation line comes out of the block and goes to some sort of valve. I didn’t find a diagram yet online. Anyway comes out of block and runs to this valve of some sort then the vale hosing keeps on going off the other end, can’t remember where at the moment. On the valve I’m referring to t’s out the side also. When I looked it looks like there should have been something there that isn’t. I say this cause the hose is connected or spiced together with a plastic piece that connects to a different size hose. Doesn’t look like a barn to me I’m thinking something got broken, maybe another valve and just connected the hoses together instead of replacing whatever was there. If there was something there. I did tape that part for now because it didn’t appear to be a great fit. Put it all back together and erased codes and everything seems fine as of now but I only took it out maybe 10 miles. Wont let my pics upload. I’ll try to fix it and send you them.
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Monday, April 29th, 2024 AT 11:20 AM
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If its a hose coming out of the engine block, its most likely going to be some kind of PCV hoses. On newer vehicles they direct positive crankcase pressures to all kinds of places, but its important that its not blocked off and is routed to the correct intake position, that positive pressure needs some place to go, or it will start pushing out any seals in the lower end of the engine block, such as the front or rear main seals. Thats how those seals prematurely start leaking.
These are the PCV diagrams and really the only vacuum hose diagrams I see in Service info. Sounds like they might be a bit hacky when it comes to repairs at that location.
If you can pull up live engine data, and monitor the rear Oxygen sensor voltage, or graph its voltage is better, but get the vehicle up to speed, such as getting on the highway for a couple of minutes, so the engine gets up to temperature, before you exit, give it heavy throttle so youre not running on the electric motor, this way you should be pulling on the combustion engine, and when you let off the gas pedal suddenly, the fuel injectors should go to Fuel-Cut mode and actually shut off until you slow down enough where the engine needs to return to an idle, during de-acceleration fuel cut off, the rear Oxygen sensor voltage should go full lean, meaning almost 0volts. If you have the sensor data graphed you should see the rear 02 take a dive from its steady 600-700mv to less than 200mv (or 0.2v),
my truck goes all the way to 0volts on decel fuel cut off. Its a way to check the rear 02's operations, and its the way the ECM is doing it as well, but again you are correct about a possible Cat issue. (6th diagram shows some info about fuel cut off and that P0139).
For a Cat fault, you may notice the rear 02 fluctuating at a higher rate, (0.2v-0.8v-0.2v etc) when it should be at a more steady 0.6v-0.7v range. Of course noticing some of this will not be conventional with a hybrid, since youre not always going to be running on the gas engine. But under heavy throttle it should switch over to the gas engine for more power.

The hoses you mentioned may be part of the issue here though as well, without the vacuum hoses all sealed up and routed properly, that will throw off the ECM's self test results. It may cause the rear 02 to be below the 0.6v threshold that is called for in the code criteria. Looks like another thing they may need to correct, if it wasnt like before going in to them,

The p0401 looks like the ECM measuring a reference pressure(so some stored predetermined amount) to intake manifold pressure during EGR valve closed and the manifold pressure. This test is run during Fuel Cut off of more than 10sec as well, so thats interesting, these codes are being tested for and setting for this same period of fuel cut off.

But another issue is that the wiring harness on this vehicle has been connected and disconnected how many times now. Thats not at all a helpful thing. Who knows how much the harness connectors have been rough handled, pulled and pushed on. Theres so many factors here.
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Monday, April 29th, 2024 AT 2:21 PM
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Another thing about monitoring the rear 02, is if voltage is fluctuating 0v to 1v roughly, when the frequency increases the ECM will eventually set a P0420, Catalyst low efficiency Bank 1. Which may need a certain number of drive cycles to set, thats when you'll know the cat is failing. Looking a little closer at the P0139 criteria, states the code is set "when the switching time is bigger than the limit value". Thats an increase in frequency of the rear 02 voltage fluctuating, so the P0139 might set before the P0420 Cat Efficiency code is set.
Thats something we would be looking for when diagnosing a cat failure, voltage swings such as the waveform below, or if its bad enough and causing drivability issues, a back pressure test to see if the cat has melted down and is restricting the exhaust.
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Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 AT 4:17 PM
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Pic 1’is the valve I think is clogged (PDFE) I think. Pic 2 is where it looks like something is missing. Pic 3 is the location of the valve which is aside throttle body above radiator hose near thermostat and EGR assembly under the air duct for filter.
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Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 AT 12:09 PM
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I don't see any pressure differential sensor for the EGR valve in the wiring diagrams, but I do see a 4 wire MAP sensor which is what they are using for intake manifold pressure measurements, what are the wire colors on that sensor?
The EGR valve has a position sensor built into it as well, so it will have 5 wires.
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Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 AT 12:57 PM

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