Clutch pedal adjustment?

  • 2.0L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 163,000 MILES
It was working fine now nothing; like it's clogged. Brakes work fine. Also I need to see how the spring goes on in the shifter.
Thursday, March 19th, 2020 AT 11:56 PM

1 Reply

  • 279 POSTS
Hello my name is Dave.

Sounds like you most likely have a bad clutch master cylinder and/or slave cylinder, however it is possible that the pedal somehow got lifted and the clutch push rod became disengaged, does the pedal go to the floor and stay there or does it return to the normal position? If it stay down then there is a fair chance that the push rod came out. I have attached an illustration of the assembly to help you determine if this is the problem.

If the push rod is still connected then we would need to check for a leak in the clutch hydraulic system, I would start by looking under the dash at the end of the clutch master cylinder where the push rod comes out and see if it is wet in this area, if it is the master cylinder has failed and will need replaced.

If it is dry the next thing to confirm is that there is pressure going to the slave cylinder on the transmission. I would try bleeding the system, the easiest and fastest way to do this is to attach a small hose to the bleeder on the slave cylinder ( I use a 3/16" washer hose ) and put the other end into the reservoir and have a helper pump the clutch and see if you see any bubbles ( you should ) and after a few pumps the fluid should show signs of movement without bubbles. If you don't see the bubbles then the master isn't functioning properly and will need to be replaced. I have attached a diagram showing the entire clutch hydraulic system to assist you.

If you perform these steps and still don't have a clutch pedal then the problem is either the clutch slave cylinder or with the clutch itself. Either way you will have to remove the transmission to repair either the slave cylinder or replace the clutch, and if this is the case I would highly recommend replacing both since this is a big job.

You also asked about a spring for the shifter? Is the shifter not going back the neutral position? If it is not then there is a possibility you have internal damage to the transmission as that is where the spring to have the shifter go back to the neutral position is located.

If you can check these steps and let us know what you find we will be happy to guide you through the removal and installation of the transmission and clutch assembly if that ends up being necessary. Please keep us up to date on your progress and thank you for using 2CarPros!
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Friday, March 20th, 2020 AT 4:36 AM

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