Lack of acceleration, chugging, hesitating, bogging etc. Could be caused by one of the following below.
Inspect and test all the following listed below and get back with some results
Oxygen sensor.
Catalytic converter.
Fuel injectors dirty/sticking.
Mass airflow sensor/Airflow meter.
Throttle position sensor.
Manifold absolute pressure sensor.
EGR Valve
Fuel pressure regulator leaking or defective fuel pump.
False air leakage.
Fuel contamination.
Foul/defective spark plugs.
Open spark plug wires.
Ignition coil/Coil packs defective.
Incorrect ignition timing.
Cap and rotor.
Note:If it doesn't apply disregard.
Thursday, May 27th, 2010 AT 9:52 PM