1977 Chrysler Le Baron what is the problem?

  • V8
  • 2WD
  • 48,000 MILES
OK. Heres the story. Two years ago, a few weeks after I got the car, for four mornings in a row, id turn the ignition and - nada. Lights come on, radio, everything electrical works, but no engine cranking, no clicking from starter, no sound at all. Then maybe 15 mins later it'd start right up, or maybe two hours later. Then eveythings fine for two years. Then about 2 months ago it did it again. And growing more frequently until now it hasnt started for three days. Except this last time (now) it always happened in the morning or late evening. In the day, or id come back when it was warm out, and it starts right up. Not now though. New battery, new alternator, new ground bat cable. Lights do not dim when I goto crank it. No sound and no dimming. Someone said it could be the key switch gets stuck and squirt some oil in there. I did that. It worked for maybe three weeks. Maybe its the starter or cellinoid, but I do not have the money to take it in, so Im screwed if its that right now. Research has gotten to its maybe the ignition switch, since the lights dont dim and all the electrical items seem to be failing this past year - automatic door lock celliniod dead, oil pressure sensor I replaced, hot engine light is on even though the car runs perfectly at correct temp. So I figure its ignition switch going out. So I want a reliable way to by pass the ignition switch. Any ideas? I need to know TODAY.
Tuesday, August 31st, 2010 AT 11:49 AM

1 Reply

  • 5,029 POSTS
Ok you have done lots of checking but what I don't see is if the starter has been checked. I would pull the starter and have it checked these starter that are used in these cars have contact plate problems. The contact plate don't cost much at all if you have an electrical repair or rebuilder near you otherwise if the starter tests bad you will need to replace the starter, but do test it first any parts store should be able to do this for free.
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Wednesday, September 1st, 2010 AT 10:28 AM

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