2000 Chrysler Grand Voyager wATER PUMP

  • 6 CYL
  • FWD
  • 120,000 MILES
I just replaced my radiator and hoses and now it seems the water pump is leaking. My question is this; is this something I can do myself or should I take it somewhere to have it fixed? I do all the maintenace on the vehicle myself so I figure I a decent mechanic, but not by any means a professional. Im cheap also so I dont want to take it somewhere and get charged an arm and a leg for something I can do myself.
Saturday, August 8th, 2009 AT 5:42 PM

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  • 110,055 POSTS
Honestly, if you do your own work, it isn't that bad. Remove the innder fender panel on the passanger side of the vehicle to access the pump. Once you open it up, drain the coolant and remove the belt, it is just a matter of unbolting the old and replacing it with the new. Make sure the old gasket material is properly cleaned from the engine and don't use anything other than the gasket that comes with the new pump. Just make sure everything is clean and dry.

Also, just as a precaution, spray the bolts with penetrating fluid a day in advance. I've had them break on me and that isn't a fun situation.

If you have questions while you are doing it, let me know and I'll walk you through it.


PS: If you have access to a rack to lift the vehicle, it will make things a whole lot easier. At least you will be able to stand up while working and not be bent over. If you don't have access, make sure the car is securely jacked up and held in place with a jack stand because you will need to remove the tire too.
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Sunday, October 11th, 2009 AT 9:41 PM

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