This all started about three weeks ago. When I'd turn the key to start it, it would just click repeatedly. I replaced the battery. It ran fine for about four days. It started clicking again when trying to start it. I had the starter replaced nine days ago.
It started/ran fine all last week, no problems at all other than on Friday when I was driving home and the battery light came on, but it continued to run and made it home (10 miles). After that it started/ran fine for two days and no battery light. Yesterday it started clicking, after the third try it started for me.
Today it won't start at all and it doesn't even click. When I turn the key the oil light is on and that's it on the dashboard lights. If I mess with the heater (on/off) and the headlights (on/off), sometimes the dashboard lights come back on. But it still won't start and it doesn't even click now.
Any ideas?
Tuesday, May 13th, 2008 AT 8:50 AM