Friday, November 2nd, 2007 AT 1:35 AM
I have a 98 Chevy Tahoe 180,000 miles 5.7liter gas automatic trans. I have a miss in cylinder 2-- code P0302-- This all started when I started to get a P0300 code, a general engine misfire. I discovered that the distributor gear was worn out so I replaced the distributor with a new one. It ran great for a while then it started missing again. Now it's a P0302 code cylinder 2 misfire. I've changed the following the distributor cap and rotor, plugs and wires twice, ignition coil, ignition module, pcv valve, Iac valve, Egr valve, the entire upper intake manifold, switched out the injectors for the new type, crank position sensor, cam position sensor, fuel pressure sensor, fuel filter, battery, bigger size battery cable. I checked the valve lash ok. Checked compression 190 psi all around. The miss is specific to cylinder 2. I changed the lower intake manifold gasket a little while ago, with no problem, because it was leaking. I am not loosing or using any antifreeze. Spark plugs look good a light brown tint and the gap is correct. I had a crankshaft position sensor relearn and a cam shaft position procedure done at the dealer. The cam is at -3 and the cps is relearned. Please help