2001 Chevy Malibu 2001 Chevy Malibu losing power when drivi

  • 6 CYL
  • FWD
  • 150,000 MILES
I have a 2001 Chevy Malibu that is losing power as I am driving. I was on the interstate and the car began to shudder and slow down everytime I pushed down on the accelerator. The car never choked out, when I pulled over and started over from zero the car accelerated fine until I got to 50mph it repeated the previous behavior. I have replaced the fuel filter, new plugs and wires, relay switches and car still performs the same. Check engine light & anti theft light on. Autozone codes read emissions from previous lost gas cap. What else could cause this problem and is it a do it yourselfer or pro?
Sunday, December 21st, 2008 AT 10:29 AM

1 Reply

  • 3,112 POSTS
Hello -

To better assist you please tell me the model of your vehicle. Is it a just a Malibu or an LS.

I know you have, but please go to Auto Zone (AZ) or O'Reilly's (OR) and for FREE they can pull the codes to the car. Most important: Once they check your codes, if they find something and you don't get it fixed and need to get back with us, please make sure you tell us exactly what the code was, number and all. Example, if the code was E0568 O2 Sensor bad. Then make sure you give us all of that. While there for FREE also they can bring their tester out and check your battery and alternator.

Since you have changed the other things....... It still may be a electrical but it may also be your fuel pump. Please take a fuel pressure reading.

It idles just fine... Runs below 50 just fine... But at about 50 is when the problems start.
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Monday, December 22nd, 2008 AT 11:32 PM

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