1997 Chevy Malibu hard to start

  • 6 CYL
  • FWD
  • 61,000 MILES
The car is getting harder to start. The battery was replaced in May of 2009. All lights come on - headlights and dash. It doesn't want to start; will when I push down on the gas pedal. Runs great once started.

When I've had a dead battery, it does nothing when I turn the key and I didn't receive any warning. Since the battery is just over a year old, I'm thinking it isn't the battery.

Someone mentioned the starter. I had the car's oil change and lube job and they check several spots, like the air filter and all was fine. It also passed the state inspection. I've never had to replace a starter before.

I also thought maybe it was just this last tank of gas or the one before it. I usually go to the same location but the one before this last time, was at a different place.

I just filled up again this morning.

The check engine light comes on and off depending on the level of gas in the tank. Have had it check off and on for the life of the car. Sometimes it was the O2 filter but just last year, the dealership check it out, didn't really find anything recommended a new gas cap, which I did. Didn't really make a dfference. Since the car idles fine and runs fine, I don't worry too much about it. It comes on and goes off in its own routine.

Since funds are limited - very limited, if it is thought to be the starter, I'll need to check the cost.

Monday, August 2nd, 2010 AT 11:00 AM

1 Reply

  • 34 POSTS
I don't think the starter is to blame if the engine is rotating when attempting to start it. It sounds like fuel isn't reaching the injectors. Here is a list of some common problems and how to check.

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Friday, August 6th, 2010 AT 6:32 AM

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