Friday, June 4th, 2010 AT 8:26 AM
Went to work in the morning and it had rained over night and my car was wet. Turned on the fan for my heater and got nothing. Still had heat but fan wasnt running. Than I smelled burning electronics and a little smoke came out of one of my vents. So naturally im thinking something shorted out. Checked the 30amp fuse under the hood and it was blown. Replaced the fuse with my car turned off(keys werent even in the ignition). The second I put the fuse in, my blower motor was blowing air on high without the car having the keys in it. Put the keys in turned the car on tried selecting a different speed setting on the fan and it just stays on high even with the fan set to off. I have to either unplug the blower motor from under the glove compartment or take out the fuse to get the motor to stop running even if my car is running or doesnt have the keys in it. The burning smell was very strong so I think whatever shorted out and fried is inside the car. I also checked all my fuses related to the climate control system and fans and there were all good. Im thinking it could be my blower motor resistor. Any ideas on what the problem might be?