Usually if you turn on the ac, the fan will run. You can take electrical connector loose from fan, use jumper wires on the part that goes to the fan. The jumpers connect to battery positive and negative, use inline fuse. If the fan doesn't run, replace the fan. You have to be careful not to get anything caught in the fan, you don't need the car-key to use jumpers.
I can't be positive that the coolant temp sensor is the problem? As far as removing the sensor, you can go to any autostore, ask to see a coolant temp sensor for your vehicle, they will ask for year--make--model, maybe engine size also. Then, tell them you want a socket that will fit the sensor, a socket is no good without a rachet. You need a good set of tools, to work on your own vehicle.
Monday, October 25th, 2010 AT 3:55 PM