It was the P 0430 cat converter bank 2 code. But here is the addition info since.
So all I changed all 4 of the o2 sensors n check engine light was still on. Then changed out the cat conv, n check engine light was still on. And I was just fuming! Pissed! So I went back to O'riely's put it back on computer, n it still read P 0430. So I pressed the clear button, n the code was erased, n my check engine light turned off.
WOW, could it be that simple?
Not necessarily but it could be.
So, speaking to the fellows there, and at the dealer. The problem maybe fixed, or may not be. What da hell! They said by clearing it, it may just have to wait for that particular diagnostic test to run again to see if it will come back up or if it doesn't then it might be fixed. But they couldn't or wouldn't tell me how long it might take for that particular diagnostic test to run. Some estimates a week, some 150 miles, and one guy maybe 5000 miles. What BS is this. And even though I need to get my truck inspected. They said I shouldn't until all the diagnostic test are up and running again. But I won't know when the diagnost test runs again, if the problem is truely fixed because the light will not come back on. But if the light does come back on I just blew 900.00. With no resolve.
So. Diconnecting the battery doesn't clear the codes, like everyone assumes!
My new thought is maybe the problem could have been fixed after changing out the O2 sensors. I should have cleared the code then. Then waited to see if the same code popped up later. The cat conv was dealer part at 640. Plus 40 bucks for gaskets. But because I assumed the code would clear imm if you unplugged the battery. I felt I needed to keep fixing things.
But now I know better, and hopefully you do to. And hopefully the check engine light will not return, or else you might hear of a man and his truck running over a cliff somewhere in Texas!
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009 AT 4:26 PM