This is not a do-it-yourselfer project. The vehicle needs to be on a hoist, then the converter must be cut or unbolted from the rest of the exhaust pipes. The job can take anywhere from a half hour to a couple of hours, depending on how the exhaust system was designed and how many bolts break off and must be drilled out and replaced.
There are many aftermarket catalytic converters for most applications, that cost less than those from the manufacturer. In most cases they work just fine, but in some applications, and in some states that have very strict regulations, they may not meet all the requirements or they may not do a good job of cleaning up the exhaust as long as an original equipment one would. For that reason, most conscientious mechanics prefer to install original parts to insure you will not have more problems later. You did not list which engine size you have so I cannot look up the part for your vehicle. Your mechanic will provide you with the estimate for the repair. A typical catalytic converter can cost anywhere from $300.00 to over $1,200.00 for some European imports.
Sunday, January 8th, 2017 AT 12:48 PM