Saturday, January 16th, 2016 AT 9:53 AM
My 99 Chevy Lumina ltz won't start. It makes noise like its going to turn over and start but doesn't start. Recently replaced the fuel pump but the module only not the other parts or kit like wiring harness ect. After it was replaced car ran ok except it stalled at all stops and intermediately it seemed when it had half tank + of gas in it tho not sure if that is what actually made the difference in stalling at stops. After a while it began having issues starting too and I would have to wiggle the fuel pump harness wires & connector to start it. Eventually this stopped working & couldn't /can't start car at all now again. Don't hear fuel pump buzz either like in the beginning of problem before fuel pump module replacement. Tried to locate a new wiring harness & connector only to find out the original has been discontinued and new different shaped connector plugs on harnesses are only available and included with the pump & kit package at parts stores. I ordered the pump on its own with no kit online unknowingly that it would be pretty much impossible to find & buy the additional assembly part (harness & connector). So now car wont start and I'm not even sure the wiring harness is why just guessing beings it started when wiggling them and diy-Ing any repairs due to lack of funds. Is there any detailed help for the unmechanically inclined anyone could please please provide?