That is an odd one. By any chance, does the vehicle have an aftermarket remote starter installed? I've seen them do this. Actually, they have caused fires resulting from this happening.
If you do, you should disconnect the battery when you are not present until we determine the cause.
Now, I don't know how often it happens, but you may have a failing starter relay. The relay is located in the under-hood fuse box. I attached a pic below showing the relay and a 40-amp starter fuse.
Switch the relay with a different one having the same part number to see if that stops the issue. Also, if you would rather remove a fuse than disconnect the battery, the 40 amp starter fuse will prevent the starter from engaging unless there is a short to power from a different circuit.
Let me know about the relay, the remote starter, or anything you can think of that may help me.
Take care,
See pic below.
Image (Click to make bigger)
Tuesday, February 7th, 2023 AT 8:42 PM