Car shuts off while driving?

  • 2004 HONDA PILOT
  • 275,000 MILES
While driving the green key light turned on and the car stopped running. I was able to steer off the road but no gas or power steering. It would not restart. The lights on the dash worked as well as the power to the windows. After about 20 minutes, it did restart. It drove fine after that. This occurred about 6 months ago as well. Any ideas what this could be? Thanks!
Sunday, December 4th, 2022 AT 5:27 AM

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  • 109,913 POSTS

That is an odd one. The idea that the anti-theft light came on is either the result of low voltage, a faulty key, or we have a totally different issue.

By chance, do you have a different original key? If you do, try using that to see if it happens again.

Next, I'm not sure how old the battery is in the vehicle, but it could be weak, or the alternator may not be producing enough power to keep things going. Since it is an intermittent issue, it will be hard to test, but if the battery is older, you may want to have it load-tested at a parts store. Most do it free of charge. Also, while there also have them test the alternator. If they are unable to do that, follow the directions in this link and let me know the results.

The electronics in these vehicles are sensitive to voltage issues. So, we need to make sure everything is working properly. Also, make sure the battery terminals are clean and tight.

Let me know what you find.

Take care,

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Sunday, December 4th, 2022 AT 8:30 PM

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