Friday, January 10th, 2025 AT 8:20 AM
Shuts off while driving 65 MPH as if the key was turned off. Didn't give any indication of fuel loss like spitter or sputtering it just shuts off. It cranks just fine but won't start, but wait a few minutes 10 or so and it started like normal. Drove for another 20 miles and again just shut off just like before. This time it took a little longer waiting but it started just fine. Third time it just shut off It did act as if running out of gas for just a second. Long enough to look at the tach and see RPMs drop a little then shut off. I waited about 10 minutes, and it started again. Fourth time it shut off just as if key were turned off. But it started right back up with no waiting. Got it home and have not tried to drive it but have turned key on to listen if fuel pump was coming on and it does so my thoughts of that being the problem are not my first choice. Any ideas on what the problem could be?