Well they found a code, it was p13xx I can't remember. It said something about a wire harness circut. Anyways after 480.00 dollars it cost to repair. I took it home and a couple days later, the car is idleing very rough, and there still some hesitation, and the check engine light came back on this morning! I'm very frustrated and sick about this. Fuel injectors? I don't know, but I'm taking it back there today.
I took my car back in this morning to the dealer and they called me a couple hours later to tell me that the code that came up this time is P0300. They said the Cyclinder#5 is misfiring and my car needs an ignition coil pack and all new spark plugs! That is going to cost me 1100.00! Tell me, does this sound ligit to you? I'm at their mercy because I know nothing about a car. I think I will try to trade it in for a Honda Accord!
Thursday, October 15th, 2009 AT 1:30 PM