Sunday, August 25th, 2019 AT 1:46 PM
Did a routine tune up changing plugs, wires, air filter, oil and oil filter. That evening the car started to buck real bad going into third gear and running rough in idle. As if I needed tune up real bad. My check engine lite is always on due to a EVAP issue (gas cap) but had it checked any way. Read that chamber 1 was misfiring. We checked the wire and plug and everything was good. Place recommended an ignition coil replacement. Did that. Same issue. Cleared codes and had engine lite read again, this time it's reading dirty fuel injector and chamber 1 misfire. Used fuel injector cleaners and replaced plug just in case it we got a bad one. Same issue. Cleared codes. Had them read again and it says chamber 1 misfire, injector stuck open. Replaced injector. Same issue. Cleared codes. Read codes again and took car to someone who " specializes" in Chrysler's and was told I need new ECM. Replaced ECM. It did stop the engine light from blinking for about 2 days but didn't fix the bucking, running rough. Then my alternator went out, replaced that, then the battery went out, replaced that. It was only a one year battery and got over three years out of it. Now I'm at the point where do I put more money into it or run it into the ground. It's our only transportation. I had someone I know come over with a tester and said I needed a TCM and that it sounded like my converter was bad. I also took it to someone who at it for about 10 minutes and supposedly did a compression test on it and said I had a bad valve and wants $500.00 to fix it. Help