Flashing light is a signal that you have at least one cylinder misfiring. It also is screaming at you to stop driving the van as it is damaging the catalytic converter because of the unused fuel being dumped into it from the missing cylinder.
It will set a code but you may need a better scan tool to read it. Misfires are not fun to trace because it can be multiple items in different systems.
On the ignition side it could be caused by faulty plugs, plug wires, coil failure, or ignition circuit failure. On the fuel side it can mean a bad or plugged injector(s), low fuel pressure, or a clogged fuel filter. It can also be a vacuum leak or EGR problem.
Given that you started having this issue after running low on fuel I would start with checking the fuel pressure and flow. Especially as it does this at higher speeds when it needs more fuel. Could easily be a failing pump.
Thursday, June 29th, 2017 AT 10:44 PM