Brake pedal vibrates sometimes

  • 2007 SATURN VUE
  • 4WD
  • 120,000 MILES
My brake pedal vibrates sometimes when I brake so I need rear brakes my mechanic says, warped rotors.
Friday, August 2nd, 2019 AT 5:18 PM

5 Replies

  • 110,037 POSTS

Replacing rear brake pads and rotors really isn't that difficult. When you do it yourself, make sure to get lifetime replacement parts so you never have to pay again.

You can expect rear brakes to last approximately 30,000, but that will vary based on terrain and driving habits.

Here is a guide to help you step by step with instructions in the diagrams below to show you how on your car.

Here are the directions specific to your vehicle. The attached pics correlate with the directions.


2007 Saturn Truck VUE AWD V6-3.5L
Brake Pads Replacement
Vehicle Brakes and Traction Control Disc Brake System Brake Pad Service and Repair Removal and Replacement Brake Pads Replacement
Brake Pads Replacement

Caution: Refer to Brake Dust Caution.

Caution: Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Caution.

Removal Procedure

pic 1

1. Inspect the fluid level in the brake master cylinder auxiliary reservoir.
2. If the brake fluid level is midway between the maximum-full point and the minimum allowable level, no brake fluid needs to be removed from the reservoir before proceeding.
3. If the brake fluid level is higher than midway between the maximum-full point and the minimum allowable level, remove brake fluid to the midway point before proceeding.
4. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
5. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.
6. Install and firmly hand tighten 2 wheel nuts to opposite wheel studs in order to retain the rotor to the hub.
7. Install a large C-clamp over the body of the brake caliper with the C-clamp ends against the rear of the caliper body and against the outboard brake pad.
8. Tighten the C-clamp evenly until the caliper piston is compressed into the caliper bore enough to allow the caliper to slide past the brake rotor.
9. Remove the C-clamp from the caliper.
10. Remove the brake caliper lower guide pin bolt.

pic 2

Notice: Support the brake caliper with heavy mechanic wire, or equivalent, whenever it is separated from its mount and the hydraulic flexible brake hose is still connected. Failure to support the caliper in this manner will cause the flexible brake hose to bear the weight of the caliper, which may cause damage to the brake hose and in turn may cause a brake fluid leak.

11. Without disconnecting the hydraulic brake flexible hose, pivot the caliper upward and secure the caliper with heavy mechanics wire, or equivalent.
12. Remove the brake pads from the caliper mounting bracket.

pic 3

13. Remove the brake pad retainers from the caliper bracket.
14. Thoroughly clean the brake pad hardware mating surfaces of the caliper bracket, of any debris and corrosion.
15. Inspect the brake caliper guide pins for freedom of movement, and inspect the condition of the guide pin boots. Move the guide pins inboard and outboard within the bracket bores, without disengaging the slides from the boots, and observe for the following:

* Restricted caliper guide pin movement
* Looseness in the brake caliper mounting bracket
* Seized or binding caliper guide pins
* Split or torn boots

16. If any of the conditions listed are found, the brake caliper guide pins and/or boots require replacement.

Installation Procedure

pic 4

1. Install a large C-clamp over the body of the brake caliper, with the C-clamp ends against the rear of the caliper body and against an old inboard brake pad or a wood block installed against the caliper piston.
2. Tighten the C-clamp evenly until the caliper piston is compressed completely into the caliper bore.
3. Remove the C-clamp and the old brake pad or wood block from the caliper.

pic 5

4. Apply a very thin coating of high temperature silicone brake lubricant to the pad hardware mating surfaces of the caliper bracket only.
5. Install the brake pad retainers to the brake caliper bracket.

pic 6

Important: The wear sensor equipped disc brake pad must be mounted inboard of the rotor with the leading edge of the sensor facing the brake rotor during forward wheel rotation, or at the top of the pad when installed in vehicle position.

6. Install the brake pads to the caliper bracket.
7. Remove the support, and rotate the brake caliper into position over the disc brake pads and to the caliper mounting bracket.

pic 7

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice.

8. Install the lower brake caliper guide pin bolt.

Tighten the bolt to 44 N.m (32 lb ft).

9. Remove the wheel nuts retaining the brake rotor to the hub.
10. Install the tire and wheel assembly.
11. Lower the vehicle.
12. With the engine OFF, gradually apply the brake pedal approximately 2/3 of its travel distance.
13. Slowly release the brake pedal.
14. Wait 15 seconds, then gradually apply the brake pedal approximately 2/3 of its travel distance again until a firm brake pedal apply is obtained. This will properly seat the brake caliper pistons and brake pads.
15. Fill the master cylinder auxiliary reservoir to the proper level.
16. Burnish the pads and rotors.


Rotor Replacement

When the brake caliper and brakes are removed, you will also need to remove the caliper mount which has two bolts holding on the rear of the steering knuckle. Remove the bolts and mount and the rotor can then can be removed. Install is the reverse of removal.


I hope this helps. Let me know if you have other questions,

Take care and God Bless,

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Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 AT 2:06 PM
  • 78 POSTS
  • 2002 SATURN VUE
  • 168,000 MILES
Are the rear drum brakes the same as an 2006, I can't find any how to videos for an 2002 but I found one for an 2006.
Was this
Friday, March 12th, 2021 AT 10:33 AM (Merged)
  • 18,907 POSTS
I attached the steps for a 2002 so you can follow them. However, the video that you are seeing is going to be very similar. Things may look a little different but they function exactly the same so while the springs and clips may look different, they come off in the same process.

So with that video and these steps, I am sure you will be able to get it done. If you have issues with something. Get a picture of what you are dealing with and I will take a look. Thanks
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Friday, March 12th, 2021 AT 10:33 AM (Merged)
  • 1 POST
  • 2002 SATURN VUE
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 55,000 MILES
I'm looking to know if it easy to change the rear brakes in a 2002 saturn vue.

I jacked up the suv and removed the tire and noticed that the drum cover wont come off. Do I need to remove the large nut thats in the middle or should the drum come right off.
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Friday, March 12th, 2021 AT 10:33 AM (Merged)
  • 17,250 POSTS
No! DISC & DRUM -2002 Saturn Vue
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1.Raise and support vehicle. Rear wheel. Remove brake drum. If drums are difficult to remove, insert a thin screwdriver through hole in backing plate. Hold adjuster lever away from star wheel. Rotate star wheel to contract shoes. See Fig. 4.
NOTE: Do not over stretch adjuster spring. Damage can occur if spring is over stretched.
2.Disengage adjuster spring hook end from tab on adjuster actuator. Remove straight end of adjuster spring from brake shoe. 3.Remove adjuster actuator from brake shoe. Remove return spring from brake shoes. Remove parking brake cable from actuator lever. Remove brake shoe hold-down springs and retainers from brake shoes. See Fig. 5. 4.Remove adjuster from brake shoes and parking brake actuator lever. Remove horseshoe clip retaining parking brake actuator lever to brake shoe. Remove parking brake actuator lever and wave washer from brake shoe. 5.Clean all of the drum brake system components with denatured alcohol. Inspect all of drum brake system components. Replace drum brake system components as necessary. Inspect wheel cylinder for brake fluid leakage, or worn or damaged dust boots. Replace damaged or leaking wheel cylinders as necessary.
Fig. 4: Contracting Rear Drum Brake Shoes Courtesy of GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
Fig. 5: Identifying Self-Adjuster Components (Rear Drum Brakes)
1.Apply a thin, light coat of high temperature, silicone brake lubricant to the brake shoe contact points on the backing plate, adjuster screw threads, and inside diameter of adjuster socket. 2.Install parking brake actuator lever to the lever pivot pin, horseshoe clip to parking brake actuator lever pivot pin, and brake shoes to brake backing plate. Install the brake shoe hold-down pins, springs and retainers to brake shoes. 3.Install parking brake cable to the parking brake actuator lever. Ensure adjuster engages the brake shoe and parking brake actuator properly. Install adjuster screw to brake shoe and parking brake actuator. 4.Apply a thin, light coat of high temperature, silicone brake lubricant to the adjuster actuator/brake shoe interface. Install adjuster actuator to brake shoe. DO NOT over stretch adjuster spring. Install the straight end of the adjuster spring to brake shoe. Install adjuster spring hook end to tab on adjuster actuator and the return spring to brake shoes. 5.Move parking brake actuator lever in order to spread brake shoes apart. The adjuster actuator lever should move downward, then upward as the parking brake actuator lever is released, forcing

DISC & DRUM -2002 Saturn Vue
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adjuster wheel to rotate. If adjuster does not operate properly, remove then reinstall adjuster. 6.Adjust brake shoes. See REAR BRAKE SHOES under ADJUSTMENTS. Adjust parking brake. See PARKING BRAKE under ADJUSTMENTS. Install brake drum.


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Friday, March 12th, 2021 AT 10:33 AM (Merged)

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