Hello SIDRO7,
How does the belt look? If it is worn it could be slipping on the pulley causing it to not charge correctly.
I will add a chart for your belt it will show you what to look for. Newer belts won't crack anymore because they are made differently. The best way is to look at the ribs themselves. It will be more like tire wear. The ribs will get smaller and smaller causing it to slip. Also, the distance between the ribs will become larger and the belt can have a glazed look to it.
There is a little tool you can get to check it. I will add a picture of it. You can get it right at the auto parts store.
I would also push on the belt in between a couple pulleys and see if it feels like the is good tension on it.
I would also double check my battery terminals, make sure they are clean and tight.
Thank you,
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Friday, May 26th, 2023 AT 3:35 PM