2006 Questions for all other cars 3000 miles
This is a general question regarding bolt extraction-I have a Buell Blast that needs to have 4 bolts extracted after 4 (all four) were sheered off-They are in the crankcase, and the manual specifies that they can't be tapped out-
Now, I know the mechanics of bolt extraction and have done it before, but never when so much is riding on me doing four in a row, with no failures.
As it is, I am going to have to do the drilling for the extractor(s) with a right-angle drill because the space is so tight.
Any tips from those who would jump head first with confidence into this challenge? Please. Give me some confidence and insider tips! I'd hate to have to shitcan a crankcase because I'm such a novice!
Oh-The old bolt pieces I have to get out were torqued at factory to 30-35 ft lbs, and yes, lock-tite was used.
Sunday, July 4th, 2010 AT 4:40 AM