The issue with fan speed is likely the result of a failed blower motor resistor. When they fail, high speed is the only speed that will work.
As far as the defroster-only air flow is concerned, there is likely a vacuum leak. The mode control knob operates a rotary vacuum switch that routes the engine vacuum to specific hoses in the vacuum harness. These hoses control vacuum actuators on the defroster duct. Each actuator operates an air valve (a door-like hinged deflector) that routes airflow to the various outlets of the heater/defrost system.
If you look at pic 1 below, I highlighted the blower motor resistor. Replace this part.
The remaining pics are the vacuum schematics for the HVAC system, both interior and under the hood. They are a little difficult to decipher, so let me know if you have questions.
Also, if you check those hoses with the engine running, you may hear a hissing sound from the leak. Also, check the supply under the hood to make sure the vacuum is making it inside the vehicle.
Let me know if this helps and what you find.
Take care,
See pics below.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, March 18th, 2023 AT 1:29 PM