Sunday, April 11th, 2021 AT 11:31 AM
A/C expels Freon (I assume) when compressor engaged, through a small brass fitting on the manifold hose block connected to compressor. Clutch only engages for maybe 2 seconds about every 30 seconds. Couldn't see the gas expel unless have the RPM's up, then see white fog expelled like a nitrous purge. Every A/C part was just replaced with new parts, including hoses. System was vacuumed for an hour, small amount of oil added (because some ran out when removed plug and installed manifold hose), and freon added to spec. A/C worked and blew cool air a couple times for a week (wasn't quite warm enough to run A/C much). Now no cool air, and this symptom. I read possible restriction somewhere, orifice tube is only place I can think. Any other areas or tests to run?