I was getting mildly cool air out of my AC.
I checked the static pressure. It was 72psi(low) / 72psi (high).
AC Clutch engages. 33psi (low), 65psi (high).
Then I tried to charge it.
Got static pressure 60psi (low) / 60psi (high).
AC Clutch Engages, 33psi (low) / 35 psi (high)
I tried recharging it again, but got lower levels.
I got Static 45psi (low) / 45psi (high).
I had a problem with the Manifold gauges, and lost a lot of pressure, so I tried again when it was hotter (80degrees).
Static Pressure 45psi (low) / 45psi (high).
AC Clutch engages 35psi (low) /50psi (high).
Low pressure line is hot.
High pressure line is room-temperature-cold idling at 15,000 RPM.
Tried charging again with virtually no changes.
No changes in pressure at 30,000-40,000 RPM.
Also, at the end I did hear a little extra noise from when my compressor is engaged.
Not sure if this is the original problem, or if overcharging/undercharging would cause the compressor to sound like this.
I have very clean lines, no leaks, no oil-residue on the lines, the condenser, the txv valve, or any of the fittings at the receiver/drier, or hoses.
Any ideas.
It did blow mildly cold air, but obviously I messed it up by trying to charge it.
Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 AT 12:45 PM