Left hand blend door actuator or door itself has failed. Not a hard repair if it is the actuator.
Remove the trim panel under the dash on the drivers side.
To the right side of the steering column you will find the lighting control module.
Remove the screws and the vacuum line to the module and unhook the wiring, set the module aside.
Behind it on the heater case you will see the blend door actuator.
Unhook the wire connector. Remove the screws. Remove the actuator.
Install the new one, make sure the door actuator post is in the correct position (usually closed) before installing the new one.
Reinstall the LCM (do not forget the vacuum line) and the under dash trim.
Now you need to initialize the new controller. Place the heat/AC controls in any position except off. Turn the key on. Select any other heat/temp other than off. Wait approximately thirty seconds. Select HVAC to off. Wait thirty seconds. Key off. Start vehicle and verify proper operation.
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Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 AT 11:04 AM