The van listed above is an E250. The engine light is on and won't pass smog. Pulled the codes P0172 and P0175 (running rich?). I did take it to a mechanic for a diagnostic and they told me it was the purge solenoid. I paid for the part installed and still have the same problem.
symptoms: Starts up like a champ, when warm it seems sluggish hard to keep it at 65 MPH seems like its struggling. Runs okay at 55 and below. It has stalled before (even seems like its missing when at idle until I give it gas). I do see black smoke coming out of the exhaust when at idle. With the throttle wide open is runs okay. Still seems sluggish.
I've also replaced the following:
Fuel regulator
Fuel filter
MAF sensor
New air filter
New spark plugs
New air filter
Fuel pump read 30 PSI at idle
Purge solenoid
Anything else I should check?
Next, I plan on replacing the rubber hoses to the purge solenoid as they look corroded. Also, I noticed that the PCV grommet that fits on the right side of the valve cover is unsealed. I'm trying to figure out a way to replace this as its underneath the air intake. Do I have to take off the entire intake just to replace the pcv valve grommet? Anyone know a better way? Can this be the reason the motor is running rich?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 AT 7:16 PM