What are you trying to accomplish with a cold air intake system? The purpose, other than putting money in the pockets of the people who sell them, is to condense the air so more can be packed into the cylinders, then the Engine Computer adds more fuel. The rest of us do that by pushing further on the accelerator pedal. The only time there's an advantage with this system is at wide-open-throttle. How often will you be driving on a racetrack?
Also, liquid fuel doesn't burn. It goes out the tail pipe, wasted. The purpose of the intake manifold is to warm the air so the fuel will vaporize. It has to be a vapor to burn. Why do you want to defeat that?
As for the wheels and tires, I have a really long reply about why that's a very bad idea, and it could get you involved in a court case when the other guy is at fault for a crash. I'm on a different computer right now due to a major house fire, so my replies are going to be sporadic. Let me know if you want me to paste a copy of that information, but for now, I think those large wheels look really stupid. You have a nice car. Don't screw it up.
Ask the wheel and tire salesmen about ride height and how it affects the suspension geometry, alignment, tire wear, braking, handling, and "scrub radius". If they give you a dumb look and don't know how those things will affect you, find a different store. As a suspension and alignment specialist, I would never alter those things.
Monday, March 10th, 2014 AT 11:27 AM