The engine cut out while driving and the won't start.

  • 2006 FORD RANGER
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 80,000 MILES
The engine cut out while driving and the won't start. The 1st time it happened after 10 minutes it started. 2 months later it would not start after letting it sit. So I disconnected the Neg. Battery cable for 15 minutes then tried it it wouldn't start. Next I pressed the fuel pump reset and it started. I drove 2 miles and it died. I pressed the reset again and it would not start.
Thursday, January 6th, 2011 AT 4:17 AM

1 Reply

  • 110,055 POSTS
This sounds like the crankshaft angle sensor or the fuel pump has gone out, when you turn the key to the on position without cranking the engine over can you hear the fuel pump run in the tank for 5 seconds?

Please run down this guide and report back.

When it doesn't start, you need to check if there is fuel pump pressure and if there is spark to the engine. One will be missing. Once you narrow it down to the ignition system or the fuel system, it will be easier to diagnose the problem.

NOTE: If the check engine light is staying on, have the computer scanned for trouble codes. Most parts stores will do it for free if you can get it there. If you need directions for checking for spark or fuel pump pressure, refer to our homepage under the DIY section.
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Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 AT 5:58 PM

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