The alternator and powersteering pump are equipped with a holding bolt. You would notice a bracket with a slot. Loosen the holding bolt and pull at the belt, 9loosen adjuster bolt if equipped)the alternator or power steering pump should move to loosen the belt tension.
If it is too tight, loosen the alternator/power steering pump anchor bolt, at opposite end of adjuster bracket.
Remove the belts, for alternator that has 2 belts, remove them one at a time, moving the inner belt to the outer groove before completely removing in.
Installation is reversal of removal.
For adjusting the belt, if alternator is equipped with adjuster bolt, use it to perfomr adjustment. If no adjuster bolt, use a bar to push the alternator/powersteerng pump away from ulley to tighten the belt tension and tighten the adjuster holding bolt.
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 AT 2:00 PM