Thursday, July 28th, 2011 AT 8:12 PM
My '05 Lincoln Town Car ac seems to work ok first time each day but not as well on succesive start ups when running errands. Last Summer was when I first noticed it (Bought the car in Winter of '09). Took it to my mechanic and he said he put.3 # of R134 and gave me instructions on climate control settings for opitimal cooling (manual overide to dash only, fan speed @ midrange, and recirculate). I have found this to be of very little help. Here are some of my other observations. Cooling is better if "recirculate" is delayed for a few minutes on initial running, and actually reduces cooling performance on subsequent later restarts. I have done some research on this mdel and have found it be notorious with regard to "Blend Door" problems. Anecdotally, I have heard what sounds like doors/flaps moving, shutting or something for quite sometime after the engine is off. In looking around under the dash just to see if anyhting looked amiss, I noticed the aluminum pipes, which assume are part of the evaporator component, were some blazing hot I couldn't even touch the. That doesn't sound right, and I know that they couldn't possibly be that hot whenb the engine and ac is first started each day(again, that's when cooling is at best). So, could there be a problem with the evap? I couldn't see the cooling fins, so I don't know if they are clogged or not. Finally, what other checks can I, a layman, do before I just take it somewhere? I know low and hi pressure gauges can tell me a lot but I don't have them, and and am unsure I would feel confident diy even if I did. Is there a way to do a climate control code search as with some other vehicles by pusing 2w setting simuntasneously and waqiting to see waht digital code appears? Thank you so very much, in advance. Bill