Monday, November 3rd, 2014 AT 11:52 AM
I have a 2004 Chevrolet cavalier Friday afternoon I drove it home there was a noise coming from the right side of my engine it was some what clicking but I ignored it didn't think it was anything major. I parked the car I didn't drive it at ALL! Over the weekend it stayed parked. Sunday night I got in my car it turned on fine but was making the noise a bit louder I then reversed it made out the drive way but once I put it on Drive to leave it just shut off now it won't turn on at all. All my lights and everything else turns on but the engine won't. I tried jumping it but there's no use of that though cause the car had all the lights on.I'm thinking can it be the fuel pump? The water pump? Oil? I checked the oil the stick didnt have no mark on it so I went to go buy some but still nothing. Can it be that it's to cold? I live in Tampa by the way. I'm lost it's a 2004 Chevrolet cavalier base model.