I purchase car used and check engine light lit up while driving home. Stop and had autozone scan and the ctode P0103 came up. I took to shop and mass airflow sensor was replaced. Next day car idle was rough and wouldnt stay started, check eng light still. Ran another scan received 2 more codes P1507, P1505 AND p0103. My father changed iac valve and check battery cables and decided to changed both. Car would not start at all at this point. Starter was replaced as well as ignition switch. Car started up and after test drive it ran fine idle was high about 1500 rpm. Next morning tried to start nothing, no clicking, no noise at all. Check battery with voltmeter, battery tested ok. While researching problem on the net ran across a post where someone was having a similar problem and tech suggested to check if tps and iac had been interchanged. I check mine and found that to be the case, switched them back and car started right up, idle was good, check engine light off. Following day went to start nothing again. Had a friend start car and I jiggled the iac harness and it started right up, went to work and 7 hours later tried to start and again nothing. No start. I did notice there was a kind of buzzing from under hood passenger side but other than that sound nothing. I have since change tps and still no start.
I have 2.7L V6 any suggestions would be appreciated.
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011 AT 12:25 PM