Is the starter engaging or does nothing happen? If it doesn't turn the engine, do you hear a click or anything from it? Are you sure the battery terminals are clean and tight?
Let me know that info when you can. In the interim, I need you to start by checking a few different fuses and a relay. The fuses are in the under hood fuse / relay box. See pic 1.
I need you to open the fuse box and inspect the fuses I indicated in pic 2 as well as the fuel pump relay.
Here are links to help you with this process:
As far as the relay, if there is a different one in the box with the same part number, switch them. If there isn't, here is a test for checking a relay:
If by accident the battery cables (when being jumped) were crossed, I need to know that.
Also, if you have a poor connection at the battery, it can cause this as well.
Let me know what you find or if you have other questions.
Take care,
Images (Click to make bigger)
Thursday, February 13th, 2020 AT 7:59 PM