
  • 2000 CHEVROLET S-10
  • 6 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 71,000 MILES
This is about "Red" antifreeze, it's harmful attributes to engine gaskets and corrosion to all parts of the cooling and heating systems.

I noticed that comments have been made on this site pertaining to the "life" of this "Red" antifreeze but I have seen and have proof that it is the "chemical compounds" that make up this "Red" antifreeze that are harmful to engine gaskets, corrosion to all parts of the cooling and heating systems where the age of the "Red" coolant does not matter!

I have 71,000 miles on my vehicle and have changed the coolant 2 times using "Green" antifreeze but the last time it was done was at 62,000 miles and "Red" coolant was used before I was alerted to the harmful qualities of the sub-par product.

I now have leaks in the thermostat gasket, possibly head gaskets, radiator cap, expansion tank, hoses among other items. This is less tan 10,000 miles since the coolant, flush was done.

Why wasn't this product banned? Why isn't there recalls? Why are dealers and some repair shops held accountable by using this product, still.

Why aren't the manufacturer's of this "Red" coolant held accountable for costing vehicle owners millions of dollars in repair costs due to their inferior product?

Please tell me that your site is not so liberal as to "soft sell" things like this, so as to not alert your readers to the actual problem with "Red" antifreeze and simply to pacify the manufacturer's, dealer's and repair shops that still use this product?

Tell me I am wrong.

You cannot, you should have told your readers about this inferior product and not sugar coat it.

Monday, January 17th, 2011 AT 6:30 PM

1 Reply

  • 16,542 POSTS
We do not try to sell anything. We get absolutely nothing if you go buy a specific brand of coolant over another, how on earth would we get money from that? We each use our individual experience and knowledge of the automotive world to try and help others SAVE money on their car repairs. With thousands of questions coming in daily of course there will be mistakes made here and there in trying to help, we're only human. I have no idea who you are referring to trying to "soft sell" this red coolant product but I can assure you they only gave that advice because they truly felt that was the best answer.
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Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 AT 6:01 AM

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