I stand firm on,
I do not like the situation as is, if it were me,
I might tolerate it, with protective measures in place. All dependent on how much you love your vehicle.
Wife has a box she hurtles down the road in, it has several hell damaged places on it (where she knocked/ dinged the hell out of it) Not to mention laying/sliding stuff on it and allowing the evil munchkins to crawl all over it. Any new issue I point out on it receives forty seconds of attention and maybe a grunt. Then she simply reverts back into a default mode.
With my two babies, I cry if the least little thing happens, as I have pretty much built them from the ground up (all by myself, including the paint jobs). Those two are my heart and soul, had them for a long time, they still turn heads! I drive like grandma, I keep ten car lengths space at ten mph!
If I had it my way, both of my Jeeps would be in the garage.
As is, The female machine is on the left, 'her door' opens to the left wall. This is just fine most of the time.
I have sort of trained her what 'landmarks' to line up on front and side. This allows: The garage door to close/ ability to open all doors (including the hatch)/ walk normal in front of the vehicle
"Willy" (1946 Willys) is crammed as far right as I can pull him in. I worry more about scraping the jamb than anything.
He is at the mercy of two related situations. How far 'left' she parks and the grand-monsters door opening techniques/bikes/scooters. When they show up. So far, we have had no confrontations!
Mr. Jeep ('77 CJ-5) has to endure the weather outside (me too, when I go to get in him), he is my daily driver.
That was my only option.
Maybe that option would protect yours too?
The Medic
Saturday, April 1st, 2017 AT 9:37 PM