Thursday, September 15th, 2011 AT 2:42 PM
Hello. I have a 1999.5 VW Jetta GL 2.0L. I had the waterpump put in recently and the timing belt put it new last year. Anyway the car was driving fine until I noticed a antifreeze leak where the pipe that feeds to the block is connected. So when I drive it would every now and then the temperature light would go off. I stop the car and turn it off and open the antifreeze cap and alot of hot air and pressure comming out. I would add more antifreeze and as its taking it since it was so hot it would bubble up like hot water. I kept just adding antifreeze when needed it. Then it was low on oil and that car takes 10w 30 I went into advance auto part and asked if I can put a stronger kind they said 10w-40 so thats what I put. The car was running ok other than I having to stop constantly to fill antifreeze until it started burning oil and white smoke comming out of exhaust and also exhause backfire sound. The car would try to cut off while I was at a light. At times it did and I would have to get a jump to start it back up. Then all of a sudden I started hearing a loud noise comming from engine. The engine sounded like a diesel or a tractor. I put lucas oil stabilizer and it stoped the oil leak but then the engine started sounding like a tractor or a diesel car. The acceleration petal felt very hard to press and as I would press the petal the sound gets louder. I was driving it then it started making a screeching noise whinding noise whoooo whooo whoooo whooo then check engine light came on, temperature light came on, and oil light again the shut off completlely while driving around 60 mph. I refilled the antifreeze, got a jump from someone but the car did not want to restart at all. It was just making a whinding sound but no compression at all.