NOTE: Manufacturer� recommends� using� an� OBD II� scan� tool� to� check� and� adjust� idle� speed.� If� an� OBD II� scan� tool� is� not� available, � use� the� following� procedures.
Step� "A"
1. Ensure� IAC� valve� is� connected.� Ensure� MIL� has� not� indicated� a� fault, � timing� is� correct, � spark� plugs� and� air� cleaner� are� okay, � and� PCV� system� is� operating� properly.� Connect� tachometer.
2. Set� parking� brake.� Start� engine� and� run� at� 3000� RPM� with� no� electrical� loads� (headlights, � blower� motor, � rear� defogger, � A/C� and� cooling� fan� off)� and� transmission� in� Park� or� Neutral.� When� radiator� cooling� fan
comes� on, � allow� engine� to� idle.� Check� idle� speed� with� no� electrical� loads.� See IDLE� SPEED� SPECIFICATIONS� (CIVIC� D16Y8� A/T� &� D16Y7� A/T� ENGINES)� table.
3. If� idle� speed� is� as� specified, � go� to STEP� "B".� If� idle� speed� is� not� as� specified, � remove� idle� adjusting� screw� cap� located� on� top� of� throttle� body.� If� air� cleaner� is� removed� to� gain� access� to� adjusting� screw, � DO
NOT� disconnect� Intake� Air� Temperature� (IAT)� sensor� valve� 2 pin� connector.� Turn� idle� adjusting� screw� in� 1/2� turn� increments, � until� idle� speed� is� as� specified.� See IDLE� SPEED� SPECIFICATIONS� (CIVIC
D16Y8� A/T� &� D16Y7� A/T� ENGINES)� table.� Recheck� idle� speed� after� each� 1/2� turn.� After� adjustment, � go� to STEP� "B".
Step� "B"
Allow� engine� to� idle� with� blower� motor� on� high� speed� and� A/C� on.� Check� engine� idle� speed� after� one� minute.� DO� NOT� adjust� idle� speed� with� A/C� on.� If� idle� speed� is� not� as� specified, � go� to� TROUBLE� SHOOTING
NO� CODES� article.
Application� RPM Step� "A"� RPM Step� "B"� RPM
D16Y7� A/T� &� D16Y8� A/T (1) 650 750 760 860
D16Y7� M/T (1) 620 720 760 860
D16Y7� &� D16Y8 (2) 700 800 760 860
(1) Specification� for� USA� models.
(2) Specification� for� Canadian� models.
Saturday, July 7th, 2012 AT 10:40 PM