1999 Ford Ranger 3.0 idler pulley

  • 1999 FORD RANGER
  • 244,000 MILES
I recently changed out my idler puller because of a squealing I thought it was making after changing my alternator and serpentine belt. {This is the idler pulley I change, not the tensioner pulley.} When I took off the pulley there was a washer on back that has to be screwed off and a plastic looking bushing that sits inside of the bearing. When I went to replace the new pulley I noticed the washer that goes on the back of the pulley has protruding inner edges on one side. Which way should the washer go. I put the plastic looking bushing back inside the pulley bearing and put the washer with the protruding inner edges toward the pulley. I then fastened the new pulley on and bolted it in place. I didn't notice the way the washer was facing when I took it off. Was this the correct way to do this. Thanks for any HELP. {It still squeals. Maybe the belt tension pulley needs replacing} Anyway, did I put the washer with the protruding inner edes on correctly? Thanks for any and all Help.
Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 AT 6:29 PM

1 Reply

  • 109,885 POSTS
That sounds correct, Just make sure the pullies are aligned. As far as the noise, if it is still there, make sure nothing other is locking up and make sure the tensionier is good.
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Thursday, March 3rd, 2011 AT 7:11 PM

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