I stopped at the local AutoZone and had them scan the codes. They said it was most likely the coolant fan relay or bad wiring, so I bought the relay and swapped them out. Similarly, I bought a horn relay because when I pushed the horn I do not hear a click from behind the glovebox where the relay is located. The fuse for the horn/cigarette lighter looks good.
In checking some forums this evening I read that these cars had a lot of electrical problems. I'm not surprised because my first car was a new 97 Cavalier and I fought with the dealer for months because when it rained the car would stall out. I also read that the ETS system will shut off when there are any other engine issues so most likely if I can resolve the Check Engine, that will knock out two birds with one stone. However, I don't want to just keep replacing parts if there is a better approach. What would you recommend?
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 AT 6:04 PM