Monday, August 22nd, 2011 AT 5:20 AM
1994 Buick LeSabre dies when slowing or turning. Code for O2 sensor. The check engine light comes on. It used to come on occasionally but now it comes on almost all the time. When it dies about once a week now, it just turns off. No sputtering or anything. I just put it in neutral and it starts right back up and I keep driving. It also seems to have a problem getting fuel or something when you get to cruising speed cause it kind jumps or surges a little when you maintain any speed. No problem if you're excelerating just when you level out. My mechanic says it shows a code for Oxygen Sensor but that it could be a lot of things. He kept it for the day but couldn't get it to stall. I have changed the plugs, wires, ran Seafoam through the lines and changed the fuel filter.