Your key might be worn out. Many lock cylinders actually are made by the same manufacturer, then sold by different aftermarket companies. Unless something is coming apart in the new ones, they should keep on working unless the key is so worn that it is just barely moving the tumblers into position. It depends too by what you mean by "not working". Do you mean the key won't physically turn? Do you mean the lock cylinder turns but won't disarm an anti-theft system? If so, that's a wiring or computer problem.
The price you mentioned for new cylinders from Toyota isn't that bad, especially if the dealer can take them apart and install tumblers to let you continue using your current keys. Chrysler dealers do that all the time for their customers and Toyota is just as customer-friendly as Chrysler.
Be happy you don't have a Lexus. Two new keys cost $1500.00 and must come from Japan with a new Body Computer!
Thursday, May 24th, 2012 AT 11:20 PM